• Pets & People

    October eNews: Jungle Heart!

    We leave for the Amazon jungle in Peru on October 4 and plan to return October 13. What I love about this trip is the uncertainty and the encouragement to let go into the greatest expression of life on earth. This will be the fourth trip I’ve led to the Amazon, and I’m intending for it to be the last trip I lead there. We’ll see what Spirit has in store. The next trip I have planned to lead is to Africa in August of 2026. A jungle heart is something that gets created from carving away at all that’s not necessary. When we rid ourselves from electronics and the…

  • Pets & People

    September eNews: Letting Go

    Whew! I guess it’s been a summer of letting go. I let go of my dear friend, Lynn, on the Earthly plane, and I let go of my long curly hair, and now I’m letting go of lots of possessions and stuck emotions and thoughts. Pretty soon, we will let go of our home, and figure out what the next plan is. Even letting go of that feels like a spiritual practice. I was listening to The Minimalists podcast in the car the other day while I was on my way to pick up my new glasses. The podcast was called The Science of Happiness. What I took away is…

  • Pets & People

    August eNews: We’re Selling Our House in AZ!

    Yes, it’s true. I wrote about it in my last newsletter, and here we go! Growing up as a Madison native, my heart is wanting to go home. I never really wanted to leave, and Spirit nudged me to grow. So at 35, I quit my teaching job, sold my house and moved to Minnesota. I stayed there long enough to know it wasn’t home, and we headed to California to be with my spirit home – the ocean. The ocean will ALWAYS be home, but until I return there….. After the fires in Santa Rosa, CA and the death of my Mom, we decided to move closer to my…

  • Pets & People

    June/July eNews: I Shaved My Head!

    I shaved my head last week. See below… One of the things I’m noticing is that life can move faster than I want to move, or sometimes, I move faster than life wants to move. What I know for sure is that the life I want to live is always available to me when I choose love over fear. Are you ready? Now Accepting New Life Coaching Clients! Individuals/Couples Free Half Hour Intake – Email Sage! In the late 80s I was a fan of Sinead O’Connor and Grace Jones. They were bold, powerful, inspiring, and creative, and I admired both of them. I always wondered… Last week I turned…

  • People

    May eNews: The Jungle Is Calling!

    I wasn’t aware that the shape of my heart would change. For over 15 years, I kept wanting to go to the Amazon to be with my colleague’s teacher, don Antonio. He was one of the last jungle shamans, and I wanted to meet him and share space with him. It just kept eluding me. When I turned 50, I became confident enough to just state clearly that it was time for me to go to the jungle. Don Antonio was slated to be with us on that trip, and although I didn’t have anyone else signed up, I put my money down and committed. What would become an incredible…

  • Uncategorized

    April eNews

    Our dog, Reggae, is aging. So are we. As much as we think they’re (and we’re) going to stay young and vital forever, there’s a shift taking place at our house. What I’ve learned over time is that we can either fight or accept/let go. We’ve got a new regime of supplements, cold laser, TTouches, TTouch Body Wraps, Reiki, Sound Healing, Sumchi, massage, raw food and a whole lotta love. If you’re finding yourself in a similar place, feel free to contact me. One of my passions is living and dying and all the transitions that go along with it. I’m here, and the first 10 minutes are always free…

  • Pets & People

    Dancing Porcupine March eNews

    You know when things feel like they’re truly in alignment, they truly feel like they’re in alignment? It’s like riding on a magic carpet – wind in your hair, perfect temperature, and all is right with the world. To me, that’s how I feel when my soul is soaring. Time goes away yet there’s a sense of time that’s ticking. One isn’t louder than the other yet they both exist. Next month I’ll be riding my magic carpet around the Twin Cities, Minnesota area – offering a cacao ceremony and sound healing event on April 19, one on one shamanic coaching sessions with horses and a group circle April 20-21,…

  • Pets & People

    Dancing Porcupine February eNews

    I remember the days when computers didn’t exist. Well, at least not in our house. We had one of those TVs with rabbit ears and tinfoil, and you could hear the sound of the channels changing – all four of them. For the past few months I’ve been working on technical issues, and I’m starting to wonder if I should just sit down and write each one of you a letter. We don’t write letters much anymore, and we don’t receive letters much anymore. I’m recognizing that what matters most is peace. Am I peaceful? Are the animals peaceful? Are other people in my life, community, and the world peaceful?…

  • Pets & People

    Animal & Human Communication

    I wasn’t sure what was happening at first. This was over 20 years ago, and I heard my dog talking to me. I mean, I really heard my dog talking to me. She told me she was scared, and it freaked me out. Bless great friends, because the friend nonchalantly asked me, “What’s she afraid of?” Well, turns out she was afraid of a lot of things back then and so was I. Over the past 20 years, I’ve been cultivating and fine-tuning my skills as an animal and human communicator. Yes, I talk with living and deceased humans (and animals) for part of my living. You can only imagine…

  • Pets & People

    Let’s Take a Breath Together

    Today was a day of creativity. I went to the local coffee shop to start writing my fourth book, and ended up redesigning my business card and then redesigning my website instead. I’ve simplified my offerings to three things: Communication (Connection With All Beings – Living/Deceased) • Coaching (Achieving Peace in Life & Death) • Chocolate (our new venture). Yes. Chocolate….for you! Now it’s time for an exhale and a nap. Please let me know how I can support you and your pets, and please take advantage of my free offerings. They really ARE free! In the meantime, let’s take a breath together….

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