
May eNews: The Jungle Is Calling!

I wasn’t aware that the shape of my heart would change. For over 15 years, I kept wanting to go to the Amazon to be with my colleague’s teacher, don Antonio. He was one of the last jungle shamans, and I wanted to meet him and share space with him. It just kept eluding me.

When I turned 50, I became confident enough to just state clearly that it was time for me to go to the jungle. Don Antonio was slated to be with us on that trip, and although I didn’t have anyone else signed up, I put my money down and committed.

What would become an incredible journey, became an even more incredible journey of the heart. I was blessed to share the week with a lovely circle of women, and to share every meal in silence (and Spanish) with don Antonio. He died unexpectedly three weeks after our return.

It’s been since Covid and now we’re going back to the Amazon Jungle in Peru this October 5-12. My husband and I, and four other spiritual adventurers are making the trip. Maybe you’d like to go along? We have two spots remaining in the boat….more if need be. It’ll change the shape of your heart….I guarantee it.

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