Pets & People

August eNews: We’re Selling Our House in AZ!

Yes, it’s true. I wrote about it in my last newsletter, and here we go! Growing up as a Madison native, my heart is wanting to go home. I never really wanted to leave, and Spirit nudged me to grow. So at 35, I quit my teaching job, sold my house and moved to Minnesota. I stayed there long enough to know it wasn’t home, and we headed to California to be with my spirit home – the ocean. The ocean will ALWAYS be home, but until I return there…..

After the fires in Santa Rosa, CA and the death of my Mom, we decided to move closer to my sister which meant Arizona. We played with some time in Mesa and have been absolutely blessed to have owned a lovely home in a gorgeous setting Prescott, AZ (email me for the listing). We have felt our time here coming to a close for some time. Madison has been on the radar since I was in Minnesota, and now, after 10 years of traveling to the North, West and Southwest, it’s time to go back to the Midwest.

What I’ve learned through all of this is that the heart can hold and immense amount of expansion, and fearlessness is possible. If I can support you around expansion and fearlessness, let me know. I’m here!

Email me today for a FREE half hour life coaching intake!

Onward, and On Wisconsin!


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